Start-ups complete "Media Lift" funding programme

Start-ups complete "Media Lift" funding programme's Media Lift celebrates final pitch

Six teams in the first Media Lift programme presented their business ideas during a graduation pitch at Hamburg’s Sternschanze Wednesday (October 23, 2019) to an audience of start-ups, investors, sponsors, media representatives and the digital industry. “All six teams have developed impressively in a very short time. At first, there were a number of innovative ideas. Now, there are clever founders with differentiated products and business models as well as initial success,” said Nina Klaß, Head of nextMedia.Hamburg. Almost all participants had already generated first customers and earned a profit.

Media Lift funding programme

Media Lift is an initiative of next.Media.Hamburg. The participants had spent from June until October (18 weeks) turning their business ideas into a product or company and took part in workshops, were coached, did practical tests, availed of mentoring offers and built up network of contacts through nextmedia.Hamburg. Each team received EUR 15,000 in funding to to try out their deas and gain first experience in the business world.

From language assistants to mobile wallets

The participating teams included BotTalk, which allows publishers to place individual content and digital products on language assistants. The team consisting of Andrey Esaulov and Kirill Kholodilin showed how well Hamburg’s innovation system works for content and digital companies. Another participating team, NewsSeam, is also targeting publishers and uses artificial intelligence to automatically generate timelines and integrate them into websites. This avoids the loss of context and updates older content.

Another participating team, Space Walk, focuses on redirected walking to facilitate natural movement in virtual realities without spatial limits and motion sickness. The team behind the Female Leadership Academy promotes women in leadership positions and helps women gain such jobs. The academy offers online courses, podcasts, video content, webinar-based mentoring, live workshops, consulting and supports both individuals and entire teams.

The Wunderparc start-up has designed a platform that automatically converts 2D images into 3D scenes using AI. This saves manpower, time and costs and turns two-dimensional images of nature into 3D. Another company presented Wallie, the mobile wallet, which offers brands a customizable push and pull channel. Coupons and vouchers can be placed on the channel without apps, paper or plastic.

Sources and further information:

Vivienne Kutz

Nov. 1, 2019