New Release - Ladybird - Audio Automation Rules

We are proud to announce a new release of BotTalk - code-named 🐞 Ladybird - has just been shipped!
Our publishers can now automate Text-to-Speech (TTS) conversion by implementing a diverse set of audio rules.
Audio Automation Rules - Use Cases
What are Audio Automation Rules? And why do our publishers requested this feature?
Here are several real-life use cases.
Reject articles that are too short
Say you want BotTalk only to audify articles of a certain length. For instance, your website has many short pieces, but you want to exclude them from audification.
Here is how to do it with the Audio Automation Rules:
- You add a new rule
- You set the minimum length of an article as a condition (WHEN) - 300 characters
- You set the action when the condition is met (THEN) - reject those articles

Exclude articles that contain specific text
Another example: you have a set of articles that are coming from the news agency. But you want only your original content to receive an audio version.
You can easily exclude articles based on a specific text.
In this case, a publisher wants to exclude all the articles containing "dpa-infocom".

Read articles in the particular voice
Usually, you set one voice per project in BotTalk settings.
But what if you wanted particular articles to have a different voice?
Maybe you want to add variety to your audio articles? Or do you want specific topics to have certain voices?
That's all possible now with one simple Audio Automation Rule.
This rule will read all the articles with "weather" in their title with a distinct voice.

Skip parts of articles from audification
Say you're creating a podcast using BotTalk Text-to-Speech solution.
And you want to name each article you are creating in BotTalk using episode numbers.
Before today BotTalk would convert both the title and the body of the article into speech.
With Audio Automation Rules, you can skip the title - and tell BotTalk to start text-to-speech conversion from the body.

Team Effort
Every great feature we're introducing would not have been possible without the effort of our team members.
Thank you, Kirill, Narek, Rebecca, Daniil, Nastassja and Pavel, for successfully finishing this fantastic sprint.
It's the best version of BotTalk we've ever shipped.